A simple CV usage demo application

Too many inits/destroys? Looking at the following simple code (ch15/cv_simple.c) will clarify their usage; we write a small program to demonstrate the usage of a condition variable and its associated mutex lock. Here, we create two threads, A and B. We then have thread B perform some work and thread A synchronize upon completion of that work by using the {CV, mutex} pair:

For readability, only key parts of the source code are displayed; to view the complete source code, build and run it. The entire tree is available for cloning from GitHub here: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Hands-on-System-Programming-with-Linux.
...#define LOCK_MTX(mtx) do { \  int ret=0; \  if ((ret = pthread_mutex_lock(mtx))) \ FATAL("pthread_mutex_lock ...

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