How to do it...

  1. Create a new project state-monad using the stack command with the simple template:
        stack new state-monad simple
  1. Open the file src/Main.hs; we will add our code here after the initial module declaration.
  2. Import the following modules:
        import Prelude hiding (Either(..))        import Data.Functor        import Control.Applicative        import Control.Monad
  1. Now, add the definition for the State Monad. A State Monad will store state s with the monad:
        data State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) } 
  1. Now, we will write the Functor instance for the state. Writing the Functor instance is easy; we need to transform output a with the function f :: a -> b and produce b:
        instance Functor (State s) where        fmap f (State stateFunc) =  let nextStateFunction ...

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