Mapping over a list in parallel

In this recipe, we will be applying the map function in parallel. Given a list of values, we will be using multiple threads to apply a function over each value.

How to do it…

  1. Import the parallel strategies as follows:
    import Control.Parallel.Strategies
  2. Map over a list using the rdeepseq strategy using the following code snippet:
    main = do
      let results = 
                (parMap rdeepseq (^10) [10^10..10^10+10000]) :: [Int]
      print results
  3. The first few characters of the printed output are shown here after compiling and running the code as follows:
  4. Compile the code with the threaded and rtsopts flags enabled as follows:
    $ ghc -O2 --make Main.hs -threaded -rtsopts
  5. Run the code by specifying the number of cores as follows:
    $ ./Main +RTS -N2 ...

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