
ABN Amro, 68

Alberding, Dick, 35

Allen, Woody, 153

AMP Corporation, 107, 109

Arrow, Ken, 136, 137

Ashland Oil, 160

balanced power structure, 175–178

Batten, Jim, 35

BBC, 55, 73

Bernstein, Leonard, 154, 159

Beschloss, Michael, 30–31

Bloc 34 Task Force, 156–157, 160

British Petroleum (BP), 61

Brooks, Mel, 153, 154

building collaborative teams

assessing the complexity of the task, 69

assigning task- and relationship-oriented leaders, 70–71

diversity and, 56–57, 65

educational level of members and, 57, 65

executive support’s role in, 60–65

factors leading to successful teams, 67

“gift culture,” creation of, 59, 64–65, 67

heritage relationships and, 71–72

HR practices and, 66–69

modeling collaborative behavior, 61–64

physical space considerations, ...

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