
Abraham, Jack, 179

accounting tools, in climate action, 134135

additive manufacturing, 188

agriculture, monoculture in, 149152

Allen, James, 169180

almond industry, 149152

Amazon, 114115, 126, 155, 164, 178, 195, 203

American Airlines, 16

antitrust policy, and efficiency, 155

Apple Computer, 41, 5758, 6061, 114, 121122

AT&T, 16, 23, 111

Atlassian, 127

automation, and supply chains, 187188

automobile industry, 162168

Awdish, Rana, 74

backcasting, 102

Bakker, Peter, 138

Barron’s, 23

Becker, Dean, 3

Benjamin, Sheri, 88

Benjamin Group, 8889

Bezos, Jeff, 114115

BlackRock, 137

Blake, Frank, 175176

Blank, Arthur, 174, 175

Blonder, Greg, 23

Bower, Joseph L., 4162

Brenneman, Greg, 175

bricolage, 1213

Britton, Joe, 117

Bucyrus-Erie, ...

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