Compared to stateful beans, stateless beans have a simple life

Stateless beans have a much simpler existence. They’re born (created), they’re thrown into a pool with others of their kind, they run business methods for any client who asks, and they might eventually die. They aren’t passivated, they don’t keep client-specific state, and their creation and destruction (removal) aren’t tied to the whims of the client. Compare the difference between the lifecycle of a stateful vs. stateless bean:

The bean lifecycle (special moments in a bean’s life)

Stateful session beans

  • Bean creation (when the client wants a bean)

  • Bean use (when the client calls a business method)

  • Bean passivation (the bean is put to sleep to conserve resources)

  • Bean activation (the bean wakes up to service a business method from the client)

  • Bean removal (when the client is finished with the bean or the bean times out)

Stateless session beans

  • Bean creation (when the container wants to make a bean)

  • Bean use (when the client calls a business method)

  • Bean removal (when the container decides there are too many beans in the pool, or the bean throws a system exception.)

Comparing the lifecycles of stateful and stateless session beans


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Client calls create on a stateless session bean home

  1. Client calls create on the home.

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  2. Container makes the EJB object.

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  3. Container sends the client a stub to the EJB object.

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Session bean creation is not related to the client

  1. Container constructs the SessionContext object and the bean instance, then calls setSessionContext() on the bean.

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  2. Container puts the bean (which is now linked to its own context) in the pool for that bean type.

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Business method call

  1. Client invokes a business method on her previously-acquired EJB object stub.

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  2. Container pulls a bean out of the pool and links it with the client’s EJB object.

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  3. Container invokes business method on the bean (1), the bean returns from the method (2), then Container sends bean back to the pool (3).

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Object Interaction Diagram (OID) for bean creation

stateless session bean

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