Chapter 5. (Part 1) Good Design = Flexible Software: Nothing Ever Stays the Same

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Change is inevitable. No matter how much you like your software right now, it’s probably going to change tomorrow. And the harder you make it for your software to change, the more difficult it’s going to be to respond to your customer’s changing needs. In this chapter, we’re going to revisit an old friend, try and improve an existing software project, and see how small changes can turn into big problems. In fact, we’re going to uncover a problem so big that it will take a TWO-PART chapter to solve it!

Rick’s Guitars Stringed Instruments is expanding

Fresh off the heels of selling three guitars to the rock group Augustana, Rick’s guitar business is doing better than ever—and the search tool you built Rick back in Chapter 1 is the cornerstone of his business.

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Let’s put our design to the test

We’ve talked a lot about good analysis and design being the key to software that you can reuse and extend... and now it looks like we’re going to have to prove that to Rick. Let’s figure out how easy it is to restructure his application so that it supports mandolins.

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