20A Shift in Intention
SINCE THE INDUSTRIAL Age, the focus of organizational culture has been on productivity and profitability. This has historically been to the detriment of the human beings inside those organizations. Leaders who attempt to grow their revenue by eschewing the pick-two rule of the Golden Triangle—better, faster, or cheaper—sacrifice the well-being of their people in the name of their own ego and shareholder profits. Eventually, the whole system becomes unsustainable because the remaining stakeholders experience a lack of consciousness and integrity in the intent behind the product or service. That leads to employee turnover, negative reviews from customers, and declining revenue or share prices for owners and investors in the long term.
The evolution from productivity as our primary intention to employee well-being is at the heart of high-conscious leadership. This shift ensures that our people are well supported, which positively impacts all aspects of workplaces, from internal culture and competitive advantage to market share and the bottom line.
This transformation of intention also means that the holistic systems we have created must be adapted to consider the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of all peoples. If we don't change the systems in which we operate, we cannot deem it consciousness. Liberating people to create on their own terms allows for greater innovation. Some examples include centering remote or hybrid work options, reducing ...
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