AAPC (American Academy of Professional Coders), 58, 59t
Accessibility, health record, 79
Accidental poisoning, 113t
Accreditation, 23, 23t. See also Hospital accreditation
Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health (AAAHC), 23t
Accupressure, 7t
Accuracy, health record, 76–77
ACF (Administration for Children and Families), 25t
Acupuncture, 4–5
Acute care facilities
early hospitals in the United States, 32
hospital accreditation
conditions of participation (CoP) federal regulations, 44
The Joint Commission
accreditation statuses, 45t
patient safety goals, 42–43f
survey process, 43
standards of, 41
hospital departments
ancillary services, 39
department functions, 37–38t
diagnostic and therapeutic services, 39
health information and ...
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