
NOTE: Page references in italics refer to exhibits and tables.

The volume is indicated by the italic number before the colon.


Abstraction technique, 2:98

Academic health centers (AHC), 2:2812:282

Academic medical centers (AMC), 2:2812:282

Accountable care organizations (ACO)

ACA establishment of, 1:6591:661

ACO participants, 2:621

ACO professionals, 2:624

ACO providers/suppliers, 2:623

antitrust regulations, 1:375

CMS relationship (one-sided model), 2:631

CMS relationship (two-sided model), 2:632, 2:632

competition and, 1:510

competition barriers, 1:504

defined, 1:1, 1:76, 1:660

electronic health records (EHR) importance, 1:547

as management service enterprises, 2:6212:634

metrics and methods to establish quality performance, 2:6262:628

not-for-profit commercial insurers, 1:209

potential federal ACO participants (eligible entities), 2:622

provider consolidation and, 1:5241:525

reimbursement, 1:2451:247, 1:246

Accounts receivable, classification and valuation, 2:736, 2:743–2:746, 2:745


accrediting bodies, 1:4441:447

defined, 1:441, 1:4431:444

2011 Edition Certified EHS Technology, 1:555

intangible assets and, 2:825

See also Licensure, certification, accreditation regulations

Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC), 1:446

Acquisition multiples studies, 2:145, 2:1452:147, 2:146, 2:147

Activity ratios, 2:128

Adjusted net asset value method, 2:106

Adjustment for geographic differences, 1:123

Ad valorem tax, 1:2881:289

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