
Absolute Return Index 76

absolute returns 3, 76, 91

accredited investors 3

active alternative beta indices 1989

AID see Alterative Investment Directive

algorithmic trading 334

ALLHedge Fund Index 69


asset pricing 1859, 191222

beta separation 20810

indices 71

league tables 2028

risk-adjusted returns 1701, 17880, 1859, 191222

alternative betas

asset pricing 197, 1989, 200

data sources 703

risk-adjusted returns 171

alternative hypothesis 136, 138

alternative indices 86, 88

Alterative Investment Directive (AID) 1920

alternative investments 3

Analysis ToolPak add-in 120, 122, 13842

analytic valuation methods 534


arbitrary weightings 95, 967

capital structure arbitrage 278, 54

convertible arbitrage 278, 504

event-driven investment strategies 469

fixed income arbitrage 278, 51, 546

merger arbitrage 469

relative value investment strategies 278, 504

risk arbitrage 278

statistical arbitrage 3841

swap-spread arbitrage 278, 54, 578

tactical investment strategies 3841

yield curve arbitrage 278, 54, 5860

Asian industry 9, 1112

asset management 3, 645, 689, 86, 88

asset pricing

alphas 1859, 191222

benchmarks 196222

commodity trading advisors 20622

dynamic return analysis 21013

dynamic rolling alpha analysis 1935

factor analysis 196222

fees 222

five factor analysis 21013

global macro funds 20622

Hampton's alpha 1869, 1912, 194222

impact factors 196222

indices 196222

Jensen's alpha 1859, 1912, 194222

long-short correlations ...

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