Hello, Android, 4th Edition

Book description

Google Android dominates the mobile market, and by targeting Android, your apps can run on most of the phones and tablets in the world. This new fourth edition of the #1 book for learning Android covers all modern Android versions from Android 4.1 through Android 5.0. Freshly added material covers new Android features such as Fragments and Google Play Services. Android is a platform you can't afford not to learn, and this book gets you started.

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Table of contents

  1. Hello, Android
    1. For the Best Reading Experience...
    2. Table of Contents
    3. What Readers Are Saying About the Fourth Edition of Hello, Android
    4. Acknowledgments
    5. Preface
      1. What Makes Android Special?
      2. Who Should Read This Book?
      3. What’s in This Book?
      4. What’s New in the Fourth Edition?
      5. Online Resources
      6. Fast-Forward > >
    6. Part 1: Introducing Android
      1. Chapter 1: Quick Start
        1. Installing the Tools
        2. Creating Your First Program
        3. Running on the Android Emulator
        4. Running on a Real Device
        5. Additional Steps
        6. Fast-Forward > >
      2. Chapter 2: Key Concepts
        1. The Big Picture
        2. Building Blocks
        3. It’s Alive!
        4. Safe and Secure
        5. Fast-Forward > >
    7. Part 2: Let’s Play a Game
      1. Chapter 3: Opening Moves
        1. Creating the Tic-Tac-Toe Example
        2. Designing in XML
        3. Filling In the Code
        4. Adding an About Box
        5. Defining Resources
        6. Debugging
        7. Fast-Forward > >
      2. Chapter 4: Defining the Game Interface
        1. The Game Board
        2. Starting a Game
        3. Controlling the Game
        4. Super-Size Me
        5. Fast-Forward > >
      3. Chapter 5: Ghost in the Machine
        1. Introduction to AI
        2. Simulating Thought
        3. Making Your Move
        4. Fast-Forward > >
      4. Chapter 6: Adding Sounds
        1. The Sound of Music
        2. Music to Play By
        3. It Goes Ding When There’s Stuff
        4. Fast-Forward > >
      5. Chapter 7: Adding Animation
        1. The Never-Ending Scroller
        2. Bouncing Tiles
        3. Fast-Forward > >
    8. Part 3: Thinking Outside the Box
      1. Chapter 8: Write Once, Test Everywhere
        1. Gentlemen, Start Your Emulators
        2. The Good, The Bad,…
        3. All Screens Great and Small
        4. Fast-Forward > >
      2. Chapter 9: Publishing to the Play Store
        1. Preparing
        2. Signing
        3. Testing
        4. Publishing
        5. Updating
        6. Tips
        7. Fast-Forward > >
    9. Part 4: Beyond the Basics
      1. Chapter 10: Connecting to the World
        1. Browsing by Intent
        2. Web with a View
        3. From JavaScript to Java and Back
        4. Fast-Forward > >
      2. Chapter 11: Calling Web Services
        1. Using Web Services
        2. The Suggest Example
        3. Threading the Needle
        4. Loose Ends
        5. The Suggest Task
        6. Fast-Forward > >
      3. Chapter 12: Using Google Play Services
        1. How It Works
        2. Using Location Services
        3. Fast-Forward > >
      4. Chapter 13: Putting SQL to Work
        1. Introducing SQLite
        2. SQL 101
        3. Hello, Database
        4. Data Binding
        5. Using a ContentProvider
        6. Implementing a ContentProvider
        7. Using Loaders
        8. Closing Thoughts
    10. Part 5: Appendixes
      1. Appendix 1: Java vs. the Android Language and APIs
        1. Language Subset
        2. Standard Library Subset
        3. Third-Party Libraries
    11. Bibliography
      1. You May Be Interested In…

Product information

  • Title: Hello, Android, 4th Edition
  • Author(s): Ed Burnette
  • Release date: May 2015
  • Publisher(s): Pragmatic Bookshelf
  • ISBN: 9781680500370