: (colon) ’ (single quotes in strings) ”(double quotes in strings), 2nd () (function arguments), 2nd _ (underscore in variables) * (all), 2nd “““ (triple-quoted string) / (forward slash) \ (backslash), 2nd, 3rd, 4th \n (newline) &(before hot keys) # (with comments), 2nd % (percentage sign), 2nd, 3rd %d (integer in format string) %E, %e (E-notation in format string) %F, %f (Float in format string), 2nd negative numbers positive numbers %G, %g (choice of float or E-notation in format string) %i (integer in format string) %s (string in format string) >> (redirecting output) >>> (Python prompt), 2nd − (minus/subtraction) −= (decrement) < (less than) ...
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