

Engage and Inspire


“When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.”

—George Washington Carver

Most audiences lose interest in a pitch within minutes. If they do not suffer from Death by PowerPoint, they are murdered by monotony at the hands of a dull, lifeless speaker who inflicts on them a steady stream of facts and figures, thereby encouraging them to search out distractions.

To persuade an audience to take action, you need to secure their attention at the outset and retain it to the end of your pitch. This is difficult because the brain is easily bored and is continually subject to competing distractions and demands. This chapter reveals proven techniques and strategies that you can employ to keep your audience sitting on the edge of their seats, hanging on your every word, and talking about you long after you've gone.

Tell Them Timing

People have a need to be told how long they have to pay attention. Without clear information that the pitch will last a specific length of time, your audience is more likely to be distracted and unable to focus.

Make sure they know at the outset that your pitch will last for X minutes and then there will be a further Y minutes for Q&A. By doing this, you will not only have increased ...

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