List of Algorithms
1.1 Computing the approximation of the relaxed planning heuristic 34
2.1 Skeleton of search algorithms in implicitly given graphs 49
2.2 Tracing back the solution path using predecessor links 50
2.3 Improve procedure with duplicate detection and predecessor links 50
2.4 Choosing path to v through minimum of f(v) and f(u) + w(u, v) 54
2.5 An update routine that copes with negative edge weights 57
2.6 Relaxing the node expansion order in Algorithm A 59
2.7 Edge relaxation for implicit version of Bellman and Ford's algorithm 61
2.8 Bellman-Ford algorithm in an implicit graph 62
2.9 Floyd-Warshall algorithm 63
2.10 Pairwise sequence alignment with dynamic programming in column order 64
2.11 Policy iteration 67
2.12 Value iteration 68
2.13 ...
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