¾-inch offline—a ¾-inch videotape that is output from an offline edit system, which is used as a reference for a show that is to be onlined. (See also three-quarter inch tape.)
1920 by 1080 pixels—the number of pixels in the high definition 1080 frame. The ratio is 1920 horizontal pixels by 1080 vertical pixels.
1:33—the original film ratio, which was adopted as the NTSC standard (4 × 3).
1:66—a common film ratio of 5 × 3, sometimes expressed as “1.67.”
1:77—a common film ratio where the image is in a 16 × 9 ratio. This is also the ratio of high definition video broadcasting.
1:85—a common film ratio, also referred to as “flat.”
10-bit—a digital recording method where 10 bits of digital information are recorded for each of the three ...
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