Ghosting in HDR Video
A.O. Akyüz*; O.T. Tursun†; J. Hasić-Telalović‡; K. Karađuzović-Hadžiabdić‡ * Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey† Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarland, Germany‡ International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
HDR video capture is a very important problem, the solution of which can facilitate the transition to an end-to-end HDR video pipeline. This problem is currently being tackled using various approaches. On the hardware front, there exist designs with a judicious combination of multiple off-the-shelf components such as lenses, mirrors, beam-splitters, and sensors, as well as designs that involve high dynamic range sensors. On the software front, many HDR ...
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