Subject Index

Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures.


Advanced Research WRF core 26
Advisor’s Memory Access Pattern (MAP) tool 452
Amber PME Molecular Dynamics optimization 
cellulose NVE 86, 86–87f
code snippets 79, 80f
components of 77f
Coulomb interaction 74–75
direct space sum calculation 75, 77–79, 82–83
exclusion list optimization 79–80, 81f
load balance algorithm 82–85
molecular dynamics 73–75
neighbor list building 76–77, 78f, 82–83
offload implementation 81, 83f
OpenMP critical sections of code 79
pmemd engine in 73–74, 76f, 85–86
potential energy equation 75f
reciprocal space sum work 84–85
American option 
call approximation, vector version 126, 127f
initial C/C++ implementation 115–116, 117f
Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor  ...

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