Chapter 5. Effective Transformations

Most commonly, Spark programs are structured on RDDs: they involve reading data from stable storage into the RDD format, performing a number of computations and data transformations on the RDD, and writing the result RDD to stable storage or collecting to the driver. Thus, most of the power of Spark comes from its transformations: operations that are defined on RDDs and return RDDs.

At present, Spark contains specialized functionality for about a half-dozen types of RDDs, each with its own properties and scores of different transformation functions. In this section, we hope to give you the tools to think about how your RDD transformation, or series of transformations, will be evaluated. In particular: what kinds of RDDs these transformations return, whether persisting or checkpointing RDDs between transformations will make your computation more efficient, and how a given series of transformations could be executed in the most performant way possible.


The transformations in this section are those associated with the RDD object used in Spark Core (and MLlib). RDDs are also used inside of DStreams with Spark Streaming, but they have different functionality and performance properties. Likewise, most of the functions discussed in this chapter are not yet supported in DataFrames. Since Spark SQL has a different optimizer, not all of the conceptual lessons of this chapter will carry over to the Spark SQL world.


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