Chapter 4

Managing Assets in Islamic Investments

In This Chapter

arrow Introducing the Islamic capital market's exchanges and liquidity issues

arrow Putting money into equities, bonds, ETFs, and more

arrow Monitoring fund performance with Islamic indexes

arrow Getting a grip on Islamic market risk

Chapter 3 in Book VIII familiarizes you with Islamic finance, explaining its key principles and general categories of products. In this chapter, you delve into the Islamic capital market and the investment products you can purchase there: Islamic mutual funds, bonds, exchange-traded funds, and more. You discover how fund management companies are monitoring fund performance with Islamic market indexes, and you find out about the products available for managing risk in the Islamic market.

remember.eps The word Islamic in this context means that a product is sharia-compliant: It adheres to the principles of Islamic law and avoids all industries and activities that this law prohibits.

Shopping at the Islamic Capital Market

The ...

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