Chapter 2Step-by-Step Through the Performance-based Hiring Process
- Win-Win Hiring: Hire for the Anniversary Date, Not the Start Date
- Hiring a Great Person Starts with a Great Job
- Define Success as Performance Objectives, Not Skills and Experiences
- Source Semifinalists
- Conduct the Two-Way Performance-based Interview
- Measure and Predict Quality of Hire
- Close on Career Growth, Not Compensation Maximization
- Use Onboarding to Clarify and Prioritize the Performance Objectives
- Deliver on the Promise
- Summary
Everyone wants to hire great people. But achieving a Win-Win Hiring outcome, where the new hire is still satisfied with the role one year into the job and the hiring manager is still pleased the person was hired, involves a lot of variables. All of these are embedded in the Performance-based Hiring system covered in this book and summarized in Figure 2.1.
The ultimate goal of the process is to raise the talent bar for every position being filled. Achieving this requires a different hiring approach. It must be recognized – but rarely is – that if a company decides to do the same things more efficiently or decides to implement processes with the objective ...
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