Chapter 10
Smart Home Entertainment
In This Chapter
Getting rid of remote control clutter
Using your smartphone or tablet to control your home entertainment
Discovering who can help you do what with home entertainment
Most of us recall at some point being told by our parents, and especially our grandparents, how things have changed in the world and just how easy we have it in this day and age.
The “We Used to Walk Barefooted 10 Miles in the Snow, Uphill, Both Ways to Get to School” story has been passed down from generation to generation, ad nauseam. And sadly, I find myself repeating it to this day, faithfully passing the “oh, woe is my generation” torch to my kids, and most assuredly to their kids. Gotta keep the flame going, you know!
Although I can’t tell my kids I had to trek through the snow barefooted for miles, I can give them my own sordid tale of woe. You see, I can still remember the days when we had to get off the couch or chair we were sitting in to change the television channel (all three or four . . .). To make matters worse, there were these knobs labeled VHF and UHF: Turn the wrong one and — KABLOOEY! — you’d have to call one of the adults to come change ...
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