
Welcome to Home Buying Kit For Dummies, 7th Edition!

For about the cost of a couple of movie tickets or your monthly Netflix subscription, you can quickly and easily discover how to save thousands — perhaps even tens of thousands — of dollars the next time you buy a home.

How can we make such a claim? Simple. Each of us has spent decades personally advising thousands of people like you about home purchases and other important financial decisions. We’ve seen how ignorance of basic concepts and practices translates into money-draining mistakes. And we know that many of these mistakes are both needless and avoidable.

Remember No one is born knowing how to buy a home. Everyone who’d like to buy a home must learn how to do it. Unfortunately, too many people get a crash course in the school of hard knocks — and learn by making costly mistakes at their own expense.

We know you’re not a dummy. You’ve already demonstrated an interest in discovering more about home buying by selecting this book, which can help you make smart moves and avoid financial land mines.

In the event that you’re still wondering whether to buy this book, consider that buying a home may well be the largest purchase that you ever make. Buying a home can send shock waves through your personal finances and may even cause a sleepless night or two. Purchasing a home is a major financial step and a life event for most ...

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