Chapter 8

Miking Your Instruments


Bullet Exploring microphone techniques

Bullet Miking amplified instruments

Bullet Miking acoustic instruments

Bullet Miking drums

The location of a microphone in relation to your instrument or a singer has a huge impact on the sound of your recording. In fact, just a movement of an inch or two — or even a slight turn of the mic — can bring out different characteristics in the sound. The art of placing mics is one that you will undoubtedly spend a lifetime discovering.

In this chapter, you discover the fundamentals of using microphones to get a good source sound. You explore tried-and-true miking methods along with practical miking tips and tricks that you can use right away. You also examine the use of compression and mic placement to control and eliminate transients — the usual peaks in the instrument’s sound.

Remember In Chapter 9, I present ways to get the best sound from your mics and to keep extreme transients from ruining an otherwise-nice recording by overloading ...

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