Appendix A. Further reading
A list of interesting books for each chapter follows. Some are closely related to the chapter contents, and some, tangentially. The level of expertise required to understand each of them varies quite a bit, but do not be afraid to read books you do not understand all of, especially if you can obtain or borrow them at little cost.
A.1 Chapter 1
Berry, John D., and Roger Black. Contemporary Newspaper Design: Shaping the News in the Digital Age—Typography & Image on Modern Newsprint. Mark Batty, 2007. ISBN 0972424032.
Foley, James D., Andries van Dam, Steven K. Fiener, and John F. Hughes. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice. 2nd ed. Addison Wesley, 1995. ISBN 0201848406.
A.2 Chapter 2
Lockwood, E.H. ...
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