Putting it into practice
Having studied the various aspects of assertive behaviour
we will now look at how these can be put into practice. If
you examine the answers that you gave to the questions in
the quiz in Chapter 1 you will have realised in which areas
you are least, and most, assertive. We look at these areas
in different chapters in Part 2. The case studies cover all
aspects of assertiveness from saying ‘no’ to receiving
criticism. You will also see from the case studies some
suggestions about how the situations in the quiz could be
handled in an assertive way.
When you have understood and learned the ways to change
your behaviour and become more assertive you will be
ready for the final stage of your journey: decision-making.
Being able to make good decisions – decisions that you
have thought about carefully and know that you will not
regret – is all part of becoming assertive. Just as there are
clear and simple steps that you can make to help yourself
become more assertive in your dealings with other people
there are also logical steps that can be learned to help you
make effective decisions. In Chapter 10 we look closely at
these steps and see them in practice by referring to the
case studies in previous chapters.
‘All happy families resemble one another, each
unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.’
Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy

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