Chapter 8. Dance With the One Who Bought You

Your Current Customers Are the Sexiest

Have you ever heard the expression "Dance with the one who brought you?" Most salespeople and businesses totally ignore this notion. They make a sale and then move on as quickly as possible. Although you should keep progressing after a sale, you must never forget about or neglect your existing customers. Here is a simple reality that, when acted upon, can make you rich: Your business should be largely based upon the customers that you already have. The really "big money" isn't out there among people you've never met. It's in your list of sold customers.

Salespeople tend to live by the rule of instant gratification. I have a somewhat crude term I created to describe this behavior: I call it being instant-orgasmic. Salespeople tend to want big results, and want them now—without too much work or "foreplay." That's okay; in fact, it's even the premise of this book. You can get results quickly by doing the things I share in this book. However, there are several things you can do that can increase your business right now—and most salespeople rarely do them. The reason that they avoid these tactics is because they involve utilizing your current customers. Most salespeople are myopic and short-term in their view of sales. They believe that their next dollar has to come from finding more new customers, or "conquest customers." One of the keys to becoming a sales superstar is keeping your customers, getting ...

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