Chapter 1


Mark Yarnell

Radical wealth through network marketing starts with a critical decision that must reflect the core values and personality style of each participant. Simply put, some people are very comfortable with high-risk endeavors, while others prefer to undertake more stable circumstances. Pick the wrong company and you are hooped from day one. And it’s not about money; it has much more to do with finding balance and harmony in one’s core values and work ethics.

For example, John Terhune is a consummate professional in multiple business and legal sectors. I met him through a mutual friend who felt we had much in common. Although we are in different organizations, we have enjoyed his friendship and learned a great deal from him. If anyone has the personality, credibility, and competencies to thrive in international network marketing, it’s this legal scholar/prosecuting attorney from the American South. During his third year of law school, John won the award as the Best Student Trial Advocate in the nation in a competition sponsored by the American Trial Lawyers Association. In his eight years as a Florida prosecutor, he won 98 percent of all his cases and served as chief of the entire Felony Division. I think it’s safe to say that a man of his stature has the capacity to perform effective due diligence.

In fact, if anyone were capable of succeeding in any network marketing company—whether new or well established—it would be ...

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