Chapter 14
The tools that make it possible to earn $100K a month in network marketing are so obvious that when you point them out to people they will often seem embarrassed that they hadn’t considered them. (Of course, it’s never a good strategy to ridicule prospects for missing the obvious.)
Most of us have seen television shows in which average people have paid a few bucks for some ugly works of art, only to discover that antique experts regard them as treasures and value them at obscenely high prices. While it’s always possible to become wealthy by being lucky, productivity coupled with wisdom are generally much more likely to result in financial security. This chapter provides the wisdom and the tools you need to hit the ball out of the park; the productivity is up to you.
None of us has ever met anyone who has risen to the very top of any human endeavor as a result of part-time effort. Can you think of a part-time Super Bowl quarterback? How about a surgeon, CPA, corporate leader, politician, or professor, who only has to work every so often to make it to the top of his or her profession? Most of us take comfort in the fact that there are numerous laws on the books designed to protect us from part-time dabblers. After all, who wants to turn their assets over to a part-time stockbroker, or save money by undergoing heart surgery performed by a part-time surgeon who is assisted by amateur nurses? When was the last time ...