I could’ve “had a V8!”
Do you remember that old commercial, in which a man slaps his forehead as he remembers all he had to do was drink one can of V8 juice, instead of eating a bunch of vegetables he didn’t like? Many of us can relate to that commercial, albeit in a somewhat different way. We wonder what we have to show for working hard all our lives. What are the lasting results of our labor? Many of us believed we could provide a better life for our children than we had. How did we do? Will we leave a legacy that our kids will be proud of?
My husband was born in England and arrived in the United States in 1960. From the moment he arrived, he couldn’t wait until the day he could call himself an American. He worked hard for seven years before he earned his U.S. citizenship. He had to become familiar with the U.S. Constitution and its amendments, and learn U.S. history, in particular leading up to America’s independence from Great Britain. He has told me often that he found studying that period in American history quite humorous, given that the accounts of the American War of Independence were much different from those he had read growing up in England.
My husband has been a citizen now for 44 years and feels every bit as American as those who were born here. At the same time, he is proud of the legacy he inherited from the land where he was born; it has remained with him, and will throughout his life. We have worked hard ...