3Designing Your Data Analyst Roadmap

If you have decided to take the DIY approach to becoming a data analyst, the first step is building your roadmap. Many people struggle to figure out what path to take—there is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet about how to do it. I did not have a plan, which led to me feeling lost and discouraged at times.

If you can make a plan and stick to it, you will thank yourself later! I will share with you the path I took, the insights I learned about picking the “best” courses, and how to avoid the trap that many career changers fall into—something called “course hopping.” This chapter will help you design your own roadmap into data analytics.

Can You Shows Me Your Data Analyst Roadmap?

Deciding to get into data analytics on your own, without a boot camp or a degree to guide you, is both exciting and intimidating. When I took my first course, I was just having a good time learning and messing around with data. If I had thought I was embarking on a journey where I would have to create an entire roadmap into a new career I didn't even know existed a month before, I almost certainly would have felt differently about it (and I may not have ever even started).

Time is money, and so most people understandably want to take the fastest path into data they can, while also still maximizing the value ...

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