With a firm grip on the Australian market, our ambitions turned to global expansion. We sought a world-class event that could catapult us onto the global stage in a spectacular way. The 2012 London Olympics provided the perfect opportunity, and our audacious move to become a broadcast partner in the event marked a defining moment for us.

The Olympics

Sponsoring the Summer Olympics was a significant yet calculated risk for us. We initially tested the waters by sponsoring the Winter Olympics as it was a more cost-effective proposition (i.e. cheaper), but we soon realised that if we wanted to make a global impact, we needed to go all out and sponsor the Summer Olympics. Securing sponsorship wasn't just about putting up the money. Our products had to undergo a rigorous testing regime to get the approval of the nutritionists and the medical directors of each sport and meet the stringent standards of the Australian Olympic Committee. After jumping through a few more hoops, forgive the pun, we became proud sponsors of the 2012 Australian Olympic team. These milestones solidified our position as a premium supplement provider, enhanced our reputation and positioned us for growth.

In line with our goal to have a product for everyone and to appeal to as many demographics as possible, we shot over 60 different TV commercials (our competitors would shoot one or two, at best) and created a dynamic media strategy to ensure they all got used in the right order ...

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