

AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting) 165–166
access control 25
Access Control Lists (ACLs) 235–237
access points 42
ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) 21
ACF/ARJ (Admission Confirm or Reject) 74
acknowledgement (ACK) packet 
DHCP 127–128
in TFTP file transfer 119, 120
ACLs (Access Control Lists) 235–237
active-response NIDSs 194–195
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 
address resolution scheme 149–150
spoofing 151–155, 183
adjunct servers 24, 28–29
Admission Confirm or Reject (ACF/ARJ) 74
Admission Request (ARQ) 74
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 
for authentication 164
SRTP packet encryption 248–249
SRTP’s use of 247
agents, in SNMP architecture 124–125
AH (Authentication Header) 222–223
AIM (AOL’s IM service) 36
alerting 194
ALG (Application Layer ...

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