Chapter 9


That money talks I'll not deny,

I heard it once: it said, “Goodbye.”

—Richard Armour

INVESTING CAN BE ONE OF the easiest areas of your finances, but for the majority of people it is the most confusing, mysterious, and stressful aspect of all. This is generally caused by the volume of products that are out there for people to invest their money in. Having so many different products to choose from tends to create confusion. One of the easiest ways to battle this confusion is by only focusing on the products that make the most sense for your financial situation.

One of the best ways to reduce your investment risk and improve your overall return is to get an education!

Congratulations on making it this far! My guess is that fewer than 20% of the people who start this book will get this far. The fact that you have persevered shows that you have a desire to learn and take control of your finances. Let's keep going by looking at the myriad investment products that are available, understanding the relationship between risk and return, learning better ways to allocate your investments, and understanding basic rules of investing and diversification.

At the end I will share my thoughts on which products are the best to invest in for a given level of investable assets and what I believe is the best investment anyone can make.

Investment Products

Risk Rating

I have given a risk rating for each product to indicate the probability of you losing your money:

  • Very Low: Not going ...

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