
16 Bimodal Beginnings

Our transition from strategic decision-making to operational execution ought not be too dissimilar to how we shift from optionality to experimentation. If we are attuned to dissociated metacognition and have the ability to reflect on our own individual and collective decisions, progress and leadership, then everything becomes an experiment to progress and learn from.

But not everyone readily shares this philosophy and awareness. And besides, everyone is busy, and we still have the Curse of Efficiency to contend with.

We can't force change across a whole enterprise.[1] If we are to make headway and break new ground, we need to get bimodal.


Bimodal is a statistical term denoting a continuous probability distribution within two different modes. It's also a term IT research and advisory firm Gartner introduced to describe a scenario in which an enterprise splits its IT function into two distinct modes. Bimodal IT, they call it — where one mode could be described as traditional, emphasising safety, accuracy and predictability, and the other could be described as agile, emphasising agility, speed and efficacy.

Both modes need to work in tandem. Trouble starts when we try to bring the thinking of the old (established) mode into the territory of the new (explorative) one.

I'm sure you can see the similarities here. What Gartner is essentially ...

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