Will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed, ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed.
—Dr. Seuss
It’s a tough business to dream up a new product or a new idea, for a TV game show or a new software program and have some company pay you for your creativity, but not as tough as you might think. Just about anyone with a thinking mind gets product ideas that might have a financial worth—bus drivers, teachers, brain surgeons, rocket scientists, store clerks—it’s not hard to do, and so you might think the competition is terrible. However, when you eliminate all those who have the idea and do nothing about it, you’re eliminating a huge percentage. And when you eliminate all those who have the idea and tiptoe out in the world, hoping someone will notice it, you eliminate another huge percentage. So who’s left? Who’s left are the few hardy folks, like you, who are taking the steps to properly prepare their idea and get themselves in front of someone who can do something wonderful with it.
There aren’t many folks like you who are ready to meet the world, and so I’d say the odds for success are pretty good. There are people who are enjoying substantial incomes from licensing their clever product ideas, TV game show ideas, or software ideas—people no better or smarter than you—so why not you as well? I can think of no reason.
“This is a tough business climate”—that’s what they always say—“Foreign competition is fierce, the economy is shaky, unemployment is high.” That might ...