Chapter 21–49How to Ruin Your Greatest Asset—You

Now we are going to switch gears.

For most of us, our single largest earning assets are ourselves. Most of us will never have enough money in interest, or in the stock market, or in real estate to pay our bills until we retire—if then. BUT!!! You are yourself a huge earning asset—your brains, your charm, your elegance, your strong back. These can and will protect you and pay your bills.

So, again, you are the key part of your portfolio. Here is a brief summary of how to ruin that asset. I am making it really brief.

Chapter 21: Choose a Career with No Possibility of Advancement

Choose a career where your starting pay and your ending pay are likely to be the same. Choose a career where your work makes no difference to people’s lives or where that difference cannot be measured. That guarantees a low wage.

Chapter 22: Choose a Career with Little Chance for a Good Income

That could sometimes mean manual labor and sometimes not. It might mean anything at all in the world of art or music. It often means a career where the top dogs make billions—like Mick Jagger or Axl Rose—and the ordinary guy or gal has to supplement his or her income waiting tables. Don’t choose a career like law where, once you get on the track, your income rises steadily.

Chapter 23: Choose Lots of Education over Lots of Pay

Make sure you have that PhD in origami design even if it adds not one penny to your bottom line. See the note about the lilies of the field ...

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