Set up Server with Depots and Install Clients
You can use most any system as your Ignite-UX server. You can have depots on your server for HP-UX 11i, 11.0, and 10.20. I would recommend using an 11.00 or 11i system as an Ignite-UX server because I have seen problems with a 10.20 system acting as a server for loading clients with 11.00 and 11i. I have never seen a problem with an 11.0 or 11i system acting as a server for loading clients with any version of HP-UX. In general, though, the server acts as a host for depots and its operating system is not an integral part of loading software onto clients. Ignite-UX is a versatile product. To demonstrate its flexibility, we'll use an 11.0 Ignite-UX server in this section to load 11.0 software to clients. ...
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