Chapter 6

Calculating the Real Cost of Employment

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding the cost of paying leave entitlements

arrow Working with workers compensation insurance and payroll tax

arrow Factoring in fringe benefits tax

arrow Making sure you remember superannuation

arrow Getting a little help with the employment costs ready reckoner

I mmediate costs, contingent liabilities, taxes, levies and superannuation charges are involved whenever you employ staff. These costs are in addition to wages, are real, and should be understood from the perspective of your business balance sheet. You can’t change them, but must work out how to manage them.

In this chapter, I explain where the cost of employment happens and how it impacts on the way you administer your business and manage the people within it. I cover how paid and unpaid leave affects the cost of employment and how you can manage those costs. I list the taxes, levies, fees and charges that governments like to impose on employers whenever a person is employed ...

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