Video description
This course starts from scratch, teaches you how to create websites, and covers everything from the basic syntax (all the common tags used to develop web content and how and where you can write HTML) top resources and links included.
You will learn about HTML structure within web pages; explore HTML5 semantic elements; build your own HTML template; create HTML lists, hyperlinks, and add images; build tables for even more HTML structure; create forms with in-depth form examples and HTML tag explanations; add iframes and more cool HTML elements; create your own mini-HTML site using only HTML; and everything you want to know about CSS, JavaScript, JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM), JSON, AJAX, and jQuery.
By the end of this course, you will be able to build amazing interactive and dynamic websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.
What You Will Learn
- Create websites using HTML and CSS
- Create interactive content online using JavaScript
- Build a real-world creative and modern website
- Coding tips and resources for best practices to build a professional website
- Learn JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)
- Learn to implement JSON, AJAX, and jQuery in a website
This course is for everyone who wants to learn web development skills, anyone who wants to learn HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, and web design beginners.
About The Author
Laurence Svekis: Laurence Svekis is an experienced web application developer. He has worked on multiple enterprise-level applications, hundreds of websites, business solutions, and many unique and innovative web applications. He has expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, and MySQL and is also passionate about web technologies, web application development, programming, and online marketing with a strong focus on social media and SEO. He is always willing to help his students experience what technology has to offer and looks forward to sharing his knowledge and experiences with the world.
Table of contents
- Chapter 1 : Introduction to Web Development and Web Design
Chapter 2 : Learn HTML Course Section
- Introduction to HTML
- Getting to Know HTML
- What is an Element
- HTML Page Structure
- HTML Metadata
- HTML Doctype
- Try to Make Index Page
- Element Formatting HTML
- HTML Headings
- Self-Closing Tags
- HTML Exercise #2
- HTML Comments
- Preformatted Text
- HTML Entities
- HTML Text Formatting
- More HTML Text Formatting
- Practice Text Formatting
- Divs and Spans to Organize Content
- HTML5 Semantic Elements
- Exercise 3: HTML5 Semantic Elements
- Placeholder Content
- Hyperlinks Anchor Tag
- Try to Build a Page
- Adding Images to Your Page
- Exercise 4: Images
- HTML Lists
- Exercise 5: Adding Lists
- Exercise 6: Rebuild the First Website
- Exercise 7: Nested Lists
- HTML Tables
- HTML Tables with Style
- HTML Forms
- Create a Contact Form
- HTML Form Options
- Form Submission
- More Input Types HTML5
- More with HTML5 Forms
- HTML Form Fieldset
- Exercise 9: Form Practice
- HTML iframes
- Exercise #10: Build a Site
Chapter 3 : CSS Section
- Introduction to CSS.
- What is CSS
- Basics of CSS
- CSS Inline Style
- CSS Style Tag Styling
- Creating and Using CSS File
- CSS Selection and Classes
- CSS Colors.
- CSS Background Property
- CSS Display Property
- CSS for List Items
- CSS Exercise #1: Style a Simple Website
- Measures and Properties of CSS
- CSS Divs and Spans
- Styling Text CSS
- CSS Font Family
- Google Fonts CSS
- CSS Exercise #2
- CSS Floats Images
- CSS Float Elements
- CSS Box Model
- Exercise 3: CSS
- Exercise 3: Solution
- CSS Outline
- CSS Position
- Exercise #4: Image Grid
- CSS Fun with Hyperlinks
- CSS Pseudo Classes
- CSS and Tables
- CSS Overflow and MaxWidth
- CSS Element Alignments
- Website Project Part 1
- Website Project Part 2
- Website Project Part 3
Chapter 4 : Learn JavaScript Section
- Welcome to JavaScript
- Write JavaScript
- Update HTML Element
- JavaScript Code
- JavaScript Variables
- JavaScript Variables in Action
- JavaScript Try it, Exercise #1
- Operators and Assignments
- JavaScript Functions
- JavaScript Exercise #2: Function
- Closer Look at Functions
- JavaScript Objects
- JavaScript #3 Exercise: 3 Objects
- JavaScript Arrays
- Array Methods
- Condition Statements JavaScript
- Combine with Functions
- JavaScript Switch
- JavaScript Loops
- JavaScript String Methods
- ES6 JavaScript
- Document Object Model
- Eventlisteners JavaScript
- JavaScript Exercise #4: Event Checker Exercise
Chapter 5 : JavaScript Document Object Model
- Introduction to JavaScript DOM
- What is the DOM
- JavaScript DOM Manipulation
- JavaScript DOM Selection
- Element Text Manipulation
- Change Classes DOM
- Change Styles DOM
- Element Attribute Manipulation
- Interactive DOM Events
- Select Multiple Elements
- KeyPress Events.
- JavaScript Mouse Events
- JavaScript DOM Create Your Own Elements
- Event listeners to New elements
- Create Dynamic List
- List Project Exercise Input: Add New Element
- Project Bonus: Adding Object Value
Chapter 6 : JavaScript JSON and AJAX
- Introduction to JSON
- What is JSON
- JSON as Data
- Solution Create JSON
- JSON Details
- Solution: Output JSON to HTML
- JavaScript Arrays of Objects
- JavaScript Solution Array Objects
- JavaScript Loop Object Data
- Solution Loop Object Data
- JavaScript Add to Object
- JavaScript JSON methods
- Local Storage Values
- Solution: Local Storage
- JavaScript Fetch
- Solution: JavaScript Fetch.
- Catching Errors Shorthand
- JSON with Multiple Items
- Solution forEach JSON
- JSON Conclusion
Chapter 7 : Learn jQuery
- jQuery Introduction to the Section
- Why jQuery and What is it
- Selecting with jQuery
- jQuery Fun with Styling
- jQuery Content
- jQuery Attributes
- Image and Form Attributes
- jQuery Click Events
- Document Ready Event Listener
- jQuery Mouse Events
- Keyboard Events jQuery
- jQuery on Event listener
- jQuery Effects Hide Show
- jQuery Fade Effect
- jQuery Slide Effect
- jQuery Animate Effect
- jQuery AJAX
- Load and CORS error
- AJAX and Form Data
- Multiple Items in Response Output
- Select Element
- Course jQuery Exercise
- Chapter 8 : Web Design and Development: Questions, Answers, and Code Snippets
Product information
- Title: HTML CSS and JavaScript for Beginners - A Web Design Course
- Author(s):
- Release date: January 2019
- Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
- ISBN: 9781838551278
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