B.88. pitch-range

For use by aural (speaking) browsers for the visually impaired, this property controls the amount of pitch variation (which affects the perceived level of animation and excitement) in the voice that reads a selected element's content aloud.

Inherited: Yes

See also: Section B.87pitch, Section B.92richness, Section B.105stress, Section B.122voice-family, Section B.123volume

B.88.1. Value

Any integer between 0 and 100, where 0 is a complete monotone, 50 is an average speaking voice, and 100 is extremely animated.

Initial value: 50

B.88.2. Compatibility

CSS Version: 2

Not supported by any currently-available browser.

B.88.3. Example

This example causes aural browsers to speak elements of class ominous with an added level of ...

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