HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition

Book description

HTML and its XML-based descendant, XHTML, are the fundamental languages for working on the web, and the new edition of our popular HTML guide offers web developers a better way to become fluent in these languages. HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition is the most comprehensive, up-to-date book available on HTML and XHTML. It covers Netscape Navigator 6, Internet Explorer 6, HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, CSS2, and all of the features supported by the popular web browsers.

Learning HTML and XHTML is like learning any new language. Most students first immerse themselves in examples. Studying others is a natural way to learn; however, it's as easy to learn bad habits through imitation as it is to acquire good ones. The better way to become HTML-fluent is through a comprehensive reference that covers the language syntax, semantics, and variations in detail and demonstrates the difference between good and bad usage.

In HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, the authors cover every element of HTML/XHTML in detail, explaining how each element works and how it interacts with other elements. Tips about HTML/XHTML style help you write documents ranging from simple online documentation to complex presentations. With hundreds of examples, the book gives you models for writing your own effective web pages and for mastering advanced features like style sheets and frames.

HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition, shows how to:

  • Use style sheets to control a document's appearance

  • Work with programmatically generated HTML

  • Create tables, from simple to complex

  • Use frames to coordinate sets of documents

  • Design and build interactive forms and dynamic documents

  • Insert images, sound files, video, Java applets, and JavaScript programs

  • Create documents that look good on a variety of browsers

  • Make the transition to XHTML

The book comes with a handy quick-reference card listing HTML/XHTML tags.

Table of contents

  1. HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition
    1. Preface
      1. Our Audience
      2. Text Conventions
      3. Versions and Semantics
      4. HTML Versus XHTML
        1. Deprecated Features
        2. A Definitive Guide
      5. Comments and Questions
      6. Acknowledgments
    2. 1. HTML, XHTML, and the World Wide Web
      1. The Internet
        1. In the Beginning
        2. HTML and the Web
        3. Golden Threads
      2. Talking the Internet Talk
        1. Clients, Servers, and Browsers
        2. The Flow of Information
        3. Beneath the Web
        4. Standards Organizations
          1. The World Wide Web Consortium
          2. The Internet Engineering Task Force
      3. HTML and XHTML: What They Are
      4. HTML and XHTML: What They Aren’t
        1. Content Versus Appearance
      5. Standards and Extensions
        1. Nonstandard Extensions
        2. Extensions: Pro and Con
        3. Avoiding Extensions
        4. Extensions Through Modules
      6. Tools for the Web Designer
        1. Essentials
          1. Word processor or WYSIWYG editor?
          2. Browser software
        2. An Extended Toolkit
    3. 2. Quick Start
      1. Writing Tools
      2. A First HTML Document
      3. Embedded Tags
        1. Start and End Tags
      4. HTML Skeleton
      5. The Flesh on an HTML or XHTML Document
        2. Text
        3. Multimedia
      6. Text
        1. Appearance of Text
          1. Content-based text styles
          2. Physical styles
          3. Special text characters
        2. Text Structures
          1. Divisions, paragraphs, and line breaks
          2. Headings
          3. Horizontal rules
          4. Preformatted text
      7. Hyperlinks
        1. URLs
        2. Anchors
        3. Hyperlink Names and Navigation
        4. Anchors Beyond
      8. Images Are Special
        1. Inline Images
        2. Image Maps
      9. Lists, Searchable Documents, and Forms
        1. Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists
        2. Searchable Documents
        3. Forms
      10. Tables
      11. Frames
      12. Style Sheets and JavaScript
      13. Forging Ahead
    4. 3. Anatomy of an HTML Document
      1. Appearances Can Deceive
      2. Structure of an HTML Document
      3. Tags and Attributes
        1. The Syntax of a Tag
        2. Sample Tags
        3. Starting and Ending Tags
        4. Proper and Improper Nesting
        5. Tags Without Ends
        6. Omitting Tags
        7. Ignored or Redundant Tags
      4. Well-Formed Documents and XHTML
      5. Document Content
        1. Advice Versus Control
        2. Character Entities
      6. HTML/XHTML Document Elements
        1. The <html> Tag
          1. The dir attribute
          2. The lang attribute
          3. The version attribute
      7. The Document Header
        1. The <head> Tag
          1. The dir and lang attributes
          2. The profile attribute
        2. The <title> Tag
          1. What’s in a title?
          2. The dir and lang attributes
        3. Related Header Tags
      8. The Document Body
        1. The <body> Tag
        2. Frames
      9. Editorial Markup
        1. The <ins> and <del> Tags
          1. The cite attribute
          2. The datetime attribute
          3. The class, dir, event, id, lang, style, title, and events attributes
        2. Using Editorial Markup
      10. The <bdo> Tag
    5. 4. Text Basics
      1. Divisions and Paragraphs
        1. The <div> Tag
          1. The align attribute
          2. The nowrap attribute
          3. The dir and lang attributes
          4. The id attribute
          5. The title attribute
          6. The class and style attributes
          7. Event attributes
        2. The <p> Tag
          1. Paragraph rendering
          2. The align attribute
          3. The dir and lang attributes
          4. The class, id, style, and title attributes
          5. Event attributes
          6. Allowed paragraph content
          7. Allowed paragraph usage
      2. Headings
        1. Heading Tags
          1. The align attribute
          2. The dir and lang attributes
          3. The class, id, style, and title attributes
          4. Event attributes
        2. Appropriate Use of Headings
        3. Using Headings for Smaller Text
        4. Allowed Heading Content
        5. Allowed Heading Usage
        6. Adding Images to Headings
      3. Changing Text Appearance and Meaning
        1. Content-Based Styles
        2. Physical Styles
      4. Content-Based Style Tags
        1. The <abbr> Tag
        2. The <acronym> Tag
        3. The <cite> Tag
        4. The <code> Tag
        5. The <dfn> Tag
        6. The <em> Tag
        7. The <kbd> Tag
        8. The <samp> Tag
        9. The <strong> Tag
        10. The <var> Tag
        11. The class, style, id, and title Attributes
        12. The dir and lang Attributes
        13. Event Attributes
        14. Summary of Content-Based Tags
        15. Allowed Content
        16. Allowed Usage
        17. Combining Content-Based Styles
      5. Physical Style Tags
        1. The <b> Tag
        2. The <big> Tag
        3. The <blink> Tag (Obsolete Extension)
        4. The <i> Tag
        5. The <s> Tag (Deprecated)
        6. The <small> Tag
        7. The <strike> Tag (Deprecated)
        8. The <sub> Tag
        9. The <sup> Tag
        10. The <tt> Tag
        11. The <u> Tag (Deprecated)
        12. The dir and lang Attributes
        13. The class, style, id, and title Attributes
        14. Event Attributes
        15. Summary of Physical Style Tags
        16. Allowed Content
        17. Allowed Usage
        18. Combining Physical Styles
      6. Precise Spacing and Layout
        1. The <br> Tag
          1. The clear attribute
          2. The class, id, style, and title attributes
        2. The <nobr> Tag (Extension)
        3. The <wbr> Tag (Extension)
        4. Better Line-Breaking Rules
        5. The <pre> Tag
          1. Allowable content
          2. The width attribute
          3. The dir and lang attributes
          4. The class, id, style, and title attributes
          5. Event attributes
        6. The <center> Tag (Deprecated)
          1. The dir and lang attributes
          2. The class, id, style, and title attributes
          3. Event attributes
        7. The <listing> Tag (Obsolete)
        8. The <xmp> Tag (Obsolete)
        9. The <plaintext> Tag (Obsolete)
      7. Block Quotes
        1. The <blockquote> Tag
          1. The cite attribute
          2. The dir and lang attributes
          3. The class, id, style, and title attributes
          4. Event attributes
        2. The <q> Tag
          1. The cite attribute
          2. The dir and lang attributes
          3. The class, id, style, and title attributes
          4. Event attributes
      8. Addresses
        1. The <address> Tag
          1. The dir and lang attributes
          2. The class, id, style, and title attributes
          3. Event attributes
      9. Special Character Encoding
        1. Special Characters
        2. Inserting Special Characters
      10. HTML’s Obsolete Expanded Font Handling
        1. The Extended Font Size Model
        2. The <basefont> Tag (Deprecated)
        3. The <font> Tag (Deprecated)
          1. The size attribute
          2. The color attribute
          3. The face attribute
          4. The dir and lang attributes
          5. The class, id, style, and title attributes
    6. 5. Rules, Images, and Multimedia
      1. Horizontal Rules
        1. The <hr> Tag
          1. The size attribute
          2. The noshade attribute
          3. The width attribute
          4. The align attribute
          5. The color attribute
          6. Combining rule attributes
          7. The class, dir, event, id, lang, style, and title attributes
        2. Using Rules to Divide Your Document
        3. Using Rules in Headers and Footers
      2. Inserting Images in Your Documents
        1. Understanding Image Formats
          1. GIF
          2. Interlacing, transparency, and animation
          3. JPEG
        2. When to Use Images
        3. When to Use Text
        4. Speeding Image Downloads
        5. JPEG or GIF?
        6. The <img> Tag
          1. The src attribute
          2. The lowsrc attribute
          3. The alt and longdesc attributes
          4. The align attribute
          5. Wrapping text around images
          6. Centering an image
          7. Align and <center> are deprecated
          8. The border attribute
          9. Removing the image border
          10. The height and width attributes
          11. Resizing and flood-filling images
          12. Problems with height and width
          13. The hspace and vspace attributes
          14. The ismap and usemap attributes
          15. The class, dir, event, id, lang, style, and title attributes
          16. The name, onAbort, onError, onLoad and other event attributes
          17. Combining <img> attributes
        7. Video Extensions
          1. The dynsrc attribute
          2. The controls attribute
          3. The loop attribute
          4. The start attribute
          5. Combining movie <img> attributes
      3. Document Colors and Background Images
        1. Additions and Extensions to the <body> Tag
          1. The bgcolor attribute
          2. The background attribute
          3. The bgproperties attribute
          4. The text attribute
          5. The link, vlink, and alink attributes
          6. The leftmargin attribute
          7. The topmargin attribute
          8. The style and class attributes
          9. Mixing and matching body attributes
        2. Extending a Warning
          1. Problems with background images
          2. Problems with background, text, and link colors
          3. And then again
      4. Background Audio
        1. The <bgsound> Tag
          1. The src attribute
          2. The loop attribute
        2. Alternative Audio Support
      5. Animated Text
        1. The <marquee> Tag
          1. The align attribute
          2. The behavior, direction, and loop attributes
          3. The bgcolor attribute
          4. The height and width attributes
          5. The hspace and vspace attributes
          6. The scrollamount and scrolldelay attributes
      6. Other Multimedia Content
        1. Embedded Versus Referenced Content
        2. Referencing Audio, Video, and Images
        3. Appropriate Linking Styles
        4. Embedding Other Document Types
    7. 6. Links and Webs
      1. Hypertext Basics
      2. Referencing Documents: The URL
        1. Writing a URL
          1. Handling reserved and unsafe characters
        2. Absolute and Relative URLs
          1. Relative schemes and servers
          2. Relative document directories
          3. Using relative URLs
        3. The http URL
          1. The http server
          2. The http port
          3. The http path
          4. The http document fragment
          5. The http search parameter
          6. Sample http URLs
        4. The file URL
          1. The file server
          2. The file path
          3. Sample file URLs
        5. The mailto URL
          1. Defining mail header fields
        6. The ftp URL
          1. The ftp user and password
          2. The ftp server and port
          3. The ftp path and typecode
          4. Sample ftp URLs
        7. The javascript URL
          1. The javascript URL arguments
        8. The news URL
          1. Accessing entire newsgroups
          2. Accessing single messages
        9. The nntp URL
          1. The nntp server and port
          2. The nntp newsgroup and article
          3. Sample nntp URLs
        10. The telnet URL
          1. The telnet user and password
          2. The telnet server and port
        11. The gopher URL
          1. The gopher server and port
          2. The gopher path
      3. Creating Hyperlinks
        1. The <a> Tag
          1. Allowed content
          2. The href attribute
          3. The name and id attributes
          4. The event attributes
          5. The rel and rev attributes
          6. The style and class attributes
          7. The lang and dir attributes
          8. The target attribute
          9. The title attribute
          10. The charset, hreflang, and type attributes
          11. The coords and shape attributes
          12. The accesskey and tabindex attributes
        2. Linking to Other Documents
        3. Linking Within a Document
      4. Creating Effective Links
        1. Lists of Links
        2. Inline References
        3. Linking Dos and Don’ts
        4. Using Images and Links
      5. Mouse-Sensitive Images
        1. Server-Side Image Maps
          1. Server-side considerations
        2. Client-Side Image Maps
        3. The <map> Tag
          1. The name attribute
          2. The class, id, style, and title attributes
          3. The event attributes
        4. The <area> Tag
          1. The alt attribute
          2. The coords attribute
          3. The href attribute
          4. The nohref attribute
          5. The notab, taborder, and tabindex attributes
          6. The event attributes
          7. The shape attribute
          8. The target attribute
          9. The title attribute
          10. The class, dir, id, lang, and style attributes
        5. A Client-Side Image Map Example
        6. Handling Other Browsers
        7. Effective Use of Mouse-Sensitive Images
      6. Creating Searchable Documents
        1. The <isindex> Tag (Deprecated)
          1. The prompt attribute
          2. The query URL
          3. The action attribute
          4. The class, dir, id, lang, style, and title attributes
          5. Server dependencies
      7. Relationships
        1. The <base> Header Element
          1. The href attribute
          2. The target attribute
          3. Using <base>
        2. The <link> Header Element
          1. The href attribute
          2. The rel and rev attributes
          3. The title attribute
          4. The type attribute
          5. How browsers might use <link>
          6. Other <link> attributes
      8. Supporting Document Automation
        1. The <meta> Header Element
          1. The name attribute
          2. The content attribute
          3. The http-equiv attribute
          4. The charset attribute
          5. The scheme attribute
        2. The <nextid> Header Element (Archaic)
          1. The n attribute
    8. 7. Formatted Lists
      1. Unordered Lists
        1. The <ul> Tag
          1. The type attribute
          2. Compact unordered lists
          3. The class and style attributes
          4. The lang and dir attributes
          5. The id and title attributes
          6. The event attributes
      2. Ordered Lists
        1. The <ol> Tag
          1. The start attribute
          2. The type attribute
          3. Compact ordered lists
          4. The class, dir, id, lang, event, style, and title attributes
      3. The <li> Tag
        1. Changing the Style and Sequence of Individual List Items
          1. The type attribute
          2. The value attribute
          3. The style and class attributes
          4. The class, dir, id, lang, event, style, and title attributes
      4. Nesting Lists
        1. Nested Unordered Lists
        2. Nested Ordered Lists
      5. Definition Lists
        1. The <dl> Tag
          1. More compact definition lists
          2. The class, dir, id, lang, style, title, and event attributes
        2. The <dt> Tag
          1. Formatting text with <dt>
          2. The class, dir, id, lang, style, title, and event attributes
        3. The <dd> Tag
          1. The class, dir, id, lang, style, title, and event attributes
      6. Appropriate List Usage
      7. Directory Lists
        1. The <dir> Tag (Deprecated)
          1. The <dir> attributes
      8. Menu Lists
        1. The <menu> Tag (Deprecated)
    9. 8. Cascading Style Sheets
      1. The Elements of Styles
        1. Inline Styles: The style Attribute
        2. Document-Level Style Sheets
          1. The type attribute
          2. The media attribute
          3. The dir, lang, and title attributes
        3. External Style Sheets
          1. Linked external style sheets
          2. Imported external style sheets
        4. Media-Specific Styles
        5. Linked Versus Imported Style Sheets
        6. Limitations of Current Browsers
        7. Style Comments
        8. Handling Styleless Browsers
        9. Style Precedence
      2. Style Syntax
        1. The Basics
        2. Multiple Selectors
        3. Contextual Selectors
        4. Universal, Child, and Adjacent Selectors
        5. Attribute Selectors
        6. Pseudoelements
      3. Style Classes
        1. Regular Classes
        2. Generic Classes
        3. ID Classes
        4. Pseudoclasses
          1. Hyperlink pseudoclasses
          2. Interaction pseudoclasses
          3. Nesting and language pseudoclasses
          4. Browser support of pseudoclasses
        5. Mixing Classes
        6. Class Inheritance
      4. Style Properties
        1. Property Values
          1. Keyword property values
          2. Length property values
          3. Percentage property values
          4. URL property values
          5. Color property values
          6. Angle, time, and frequency property values
        2. Property Inheritance
        3. Font Properties
          1. The font-family property
          2. The font-size property
          3. The font-stretch property
          4. The font-size-adjust property
          5. The font-style property
          6. The font-variant property
          7. The font-weight property
          8. The font property
        4. Font Selection and Synthesis
          1. CSS2 font-matching steps
          2. Basic font descriptors
          3. The src descriptor
          4. Advanced font descriptors
        5. Color and Background Properties
          1. The background-attachment property
          2. The background-color property
          3. The background-image property
          4. The background-position property
          5. The background-repeat property
          6. The background property
          7. The color property
        6. Text Properties
          1. The letter-spacing property
          2. The line-height property
          3. The text-align property
          4. The text-decoration property
          5. The text-indent property
          6. The text-shadow property
          7. The text-transform property
          8. The vertical-align property
          9. The word-spacing property
        7. Box Properties
          1. The CSS2 formatting model
          2. The border properties
          3. The border-color property
          4. The border-width property
          5. The border-style property
          6. Borders in shorthand
          7. The clear property
          8. The clip property
          9. The float property
          10. The height property
          11. The margin properties
          12. The padding properties
          13. The overflow property
          14. The position properties
          15. The visibility property
          16. The width property
          17. The z-index property
        8. List Properties
          1. The list-style-image property
          2. The list-style-position property
          3. The list-style-type property
          4. The list-style property
          5. Using list properties effectively
        9. Table Properties
          1. The border-collapse, border-spacing, and empty-cells properties
          2. The caption-side property
          3. The speak-header property
          4. The table-layout property
        10. Classification Properties
          1. The display property
          2. The white-space property
        11. Generated Content Properties
          1. The :before and :after pseudoelements
          2. The content property
          3. Specifying quotation marks
          4. Creating counters
          5. Using counters in your documents
          6. Creating markers
        12. Audio Properties
          1. The volume property
          2. Speaking properties
          3. Voice characteristics
          4. Pause properties
          5. Cue properties
          6. Audio mixing
          7. Spatial positioning
        13. Paged Media
          1. Defining pages
          2. Left, right, and first pages
          3. Using named pages
          4. Controlling pagination
          5. Controlling widows and orphans
      5. Tagless Styles: The <span> Tag
      6. Applying Styles to Documents
        1. To Style or Not to Style
        2. Which Type of Style Sheet and When
          1. The pros and cons of external styles
          2. The pros and cons of document-level styles
          3. The pros and cons of inline styles
    10. 9. Forms
      1. Form Fundamentals
      2. The <form> Tag
        1. The action Attribute
        2. The enctype Attribute
          1. The application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding
          2. The multipart/form-data encoding
          3. The text/plain encoding
        3. The accept-charset Attribute
        4. The method Attribute
          1. POST or GET?
          2. Passing parameters explicitly
        5. The target Attribute
        6. The id, name, and title Attributes
        7. The class, style, lang, and dir Attributes
        8. The Event Attributes
      3. A Simple Form Example
      4. Using Email to Collect Form Data
        1. Problems with Email Forms
      5. The <input> Tag
        1. Text Fields in Forms
          1. Conventional text fields
          2. Masked text controls
          3. File-selection controls
        2. Checkboxes
        3. Radio Buttons
        4. Action Buttons
          1. Submission buttons
          2. Reset buttons
          3. Custom image buttons
          4. Push buttons
          5. Multiple buttons in a single form
        5. Hidden Fields
      6. The <button> Tag
        1. The <button> Button
        2. The type Attribute
      7. Multiline Text Areas
        1. The <textarea> Tag
          1. The rows and cols attributes
          2. The wrap attribute
      8. Multiple Choice Elements
        1. The <select> Tag
          1. The multiple attribute
          2. The size attribute
        2. The <option> Tag
          1. The value attribute
          2. The selected attribute
          3. The label attribute
        3. The <optgroup> Tag
          1. The label attribute
      9. General Form-Control Attributes
        1. The id and title Attributes
        2. The event Attributes
        3. The style, class, lang, and dir Attributes
        4. The tabindex, taborder, and notab Attributes
        5. The accesskey Attribute
        6. The disabled and readonly Attributes
      10. Labeling and Grouping Form Elements
        1. The <label> Tag
          1. Implicit and explicit associations
          2. Other label attributes
        2. Forming a Group
          1. The <fieldset> tag
          2. The <legend> tag
      11. Creating Effective Forms
        1. Browser Constraints
        2. Handling Limited Displays
        3. User-Interface Considerations
        4. Creating Forms That Flow
        5. Good Form, Old Chap
      12. Forms Programming
        1. Returning Results
        2. Handling GET Forms
          1. Using named parameters with GET applications
          2. Using unnamed parameters with GET applications
        3. Handling POST Forms
    11. 10. Tables
      1. The Standard Table Model
        1. Table Contents
        2. An Example Table
        3. Missing Features
      2. Basic Table Tags
        1. The <table> Tag
          1. The align attribute (deprecated)
          2. The bgcolor and background attributes
          3. The border attribute
          4. The frame and rules attributes
          5. The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, and bordercolordark attributes
          6. The cellspacing attribute
          7. The cellpadding attribute
          8. Combining the border, cellspacing, and cellpadding attributes
          9. The cols attribute
          10. The valign and nowrap attributes
          11. The width and height attributes
          12. The summary attribute
          13. The hspace and vspace attributes
        2. Common Table Attributes
          1. The id and title attributes
          2. The dir and lang attributes
          3. The class and style attributes
          4. The event attributes
        3. The <tr> Tag
          1. The align and valign attributes
          2. The char and charoff attributes
          3. The bgcolor and background attributes
          4. The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, and bordercolordark attributes
          5. The nowrap attribute
        4. The <th> and <td> Tags
          1. The align and valign attributes
          2. The width attribute
          3. The height attribute
          4. The colspan attribute
          5. The rowspan attribute
          6. Combining colspan and rowspan
          7. The nowrap attribute
          8. The bgcolor and background attributes
          9. The bordercolor, bordercolorlight, and bordercolordark attributes
          10. The char and charoff attributes
          11. The headers and scope attributes
          12. The abbr attribute
          13. The axis attribute
        5. The <caption> Tag
          1. The align and valign attributes
          2. The many other attributes
      3. Advanced Table Tags
        1. Defining Table Sections
        2. The <thead> Tag
        3. The <tfoot> Tag
        4. The <tbody> Tag
        5. Using Table Sections
        6. Defining Column Groups
        7. The <colgroup> Tag
          1. The span attribute
          2. When to span and col
          3. The other <colgroup> attributes
        8. The <col> tag
          1. The span attribute
          2. The other <col> attributes
        9. Using Column Groups
      4. Beyond Ordinary Tables
    12. 11. Frames
      1. An Overview of Frames
      2. Frame Tags
        1. What’s in a Frame?
      3. Frame Layout
        1. The <frameset> Tag
          1. The rows and cols attributes
          2. Controlling frame borders and spacing
          3. Frames and JavaScript
          4. Other <frameset> attributes
        2. Nesting <frameset> Tags
      4. Frame Contents
        1. The <frame> Tag
          1. The src attribute
          2. The name and id attributes
          3. The noresize attribute
          4. The scrolling attribute
          5. The marginheight and marginwidth attributes
          6. The frameborder and bordercolor attributes
          7. The title and longdesc attributes
      5. The <noframes> Tag
        1. <noframes> Attributes
      6. Inline Frames
        1. The <iframe> Tag
          1. The align attribute
          2. The height and width attributes
        2. Using Inline Frames
      7. Named Frame or Window Targets
        1. The target Attribute for the <a> Tag
        2. Special Targets
        3. The <base> Default Target
        4. Traditional Link Behavior
    13. 12. Executable Content
      1. Applets and Objects
        1. The Object Model
          1. The applet model
          2. The applet advantage
          3. Using applets correctly
          4. Writing applets
      2. Embedded Content
        1. The <object> Tag
          1. The classid attribute
          2. The codebase attribute
          3. The archive attribute
          4. The codetype attribute
          5. The data attribute
          6. The type attribute
          7. The align, class, border, height, hspace, style, vspace, and width attributes
          8. The declare attribute
          9. The id, name, and title attributes
          10. The shapes and usemap attributes
          11. The standby attribute
          12. The tabindex and notab attributes
          13. The dir and lang attributes
          14. Object event handling
          15. Supporting incompatible browsers
        2. The <param> Tag
          1. The id, name, and value attributes
          2. The type and valuetype attributes
        3. The <applet> Tag (Deprecated)
          1. Applet rendering
          2. The align attribute
          3. The alt attribute
          4. The archive attribute
          5. The code and codebase attributes
          6. The name attribute
          7. The height, hspace, vspace, and width attributes
          8. The mayscript attribute
          9. The title attribute
          10. The object attribute
        4. The <embed> Tag (Extension)
          1. The align, border, height, hspace, vspace, and width attributes
          2. The hidden attribute
          3. The name attribute
          4. The palette attribute
          5. The pluginspage attribute
          6. The src attribute
          7. The type attribute
          8. The units attribute
        5. The <noembed> Tag (Extension)
      3. JavaScript
        1. The <script> Tag
          1. The language and type attributes
          2. The src and charset attributes
          3. The defer attribute
        2. The <noscript> Tag
        3. JavaScript Event Handlers
          1. Standard event handler attributes
          2. The mouse-related events
          3. The keyboard events
          4. Document events
        4. Javascript URLs
        5. JavaScript Entities
        6. The <server> Tag
      4. JavaScript Style Sheets (Antiquated)
        1. JavaScript Style Sheet Syntax
          1. External, document-level, and inline JSS
          2. JSS values
          3. Defining styles for tags
          4. Defining style classes
          5. Using contextual styles
        2. JavaScript Style Sheet Properties
    14. 13. Dynamic Documents
      1. An Overview of Dynamic Documents
        1. Another Word of Caution
      2. Client-Pull Documents
        1. Uniquely Refreshing
        2. The Refresh Header Contents
          1. Refreshing the same document
          2. Refreshing with a different document
          3. Cycling between documents
        3. Pulling Non-HTML Content
        4. Combining Refresh with Other HTTP Header Fields
          1. A random URL generator
        5. Performance Considerations
      3. Server -Push Documents
        1. The Multipart/Mixed Media Type
        2. The Multipart/X-Mixed-Replace Media Type
        3. Exploiting Multipart Documents
          1. Efficiency considerations
        4. Creating a Server-Push Document
          1. Server-push example application for NCSA and Apache httpd
    15. 14. Netscape Layout Extensions
      1. Creating Whitespace
        1. The <spacer> Tag (Antiquated)
          1. Creating horizontal space
          2. Creating vertical space
          3. Creating blocks of space
        2. Mimicking the <spacer> Tag
      2. Multicolumn Layout
        1. The <multicol> Tag (Antiquated)
          1. The cols attribute
          2. The gutter attribute
          3. The width attribute
          4. The style and class attributes
        2. Multiple Columns and Other Browsers
        3. Effective Multicolumn Layouts
      3. Layers
        1. The <layer> Tag (Antiquated)
          1. The name attribute
          2. The left and top attributes
          3. The above, below, and z-index attributes
          4. The background and bgcolor attributes
          5. The visibility attribute
          6. The width attribute
          7. The src attribute
          8. The clip attribute
          9. The style and class attributes
        2. The <ilayer> Tag (Antiquated)
          1. The top and left attributes
          2. Combining <layer> and <ilayer>
    16. 15. XML
      1. Languages and Metalanguages
        1. Creation Versus Display
        2. A Little History
      2. Documents and DTDs
      3. Understanding XML DTDs
        2. Entities
        3. Entity Declarations
        4. Elements
      4. Element Grammar
        1. Sequence, Choice, Grouping, and Repetition
        2. Multiple Grammar Rules
        3. XML Element Grammar
        4. Mixed Element Content
        5. Empty Elements
      5. Element Attributes
        1. Attribute Values
        2. Required and Default Attributes
      6. Conditional Sections
      7. Building an XML DTD
        1. An XML Address DTD
        2. Using the Address DTD
      8. Using XML
        1. Creating Your Own Markup Language
        2. Document Exchange
        3. Connecting Systems
        4. Standardizing HTML
    17. 16. XHTML
      1. Why XHTML?
        1. XHTML Document Type Definitions
      2. Creating XHTML Documents
        1. Declaring Document Types
        2. Understanding Namespaces
        3. A Minimal XHTML Document
      3. HTML Versus XHTML
        1. Correctly Nested Elements
        2. End Tags
        3. Handling Empty Elements
        4. Case-Sensitivity
        5. Quoted Attribute Values
        6. Explicit Attribute Values
        7. Handling Special Characters
        8. The id and name Attributes
      4. XHTML 1.1
        1. Differences in XHTML 1.1
      5. Should You Use XHTML?
        1. The Dusty Deck Problem
        2. Automatic Conversion
        3. Lenient Browsers and Lazy Authors
        4. Time, Money, and Standards
        5. Man Versus Machine
        6. What to Do?
    18. 17. Tips, Tricks, and Hacks
      1. Top of the Tips
        1. Design for Your Audience
        2. Consistent Documents
      2. Cleaning Up After Your HTML Editor
        1. Where Did My Document Go?
        2. When and Why to Edit the Editor
        3. Use the Best
      3. Tricks with Tables
        1. Multicolumn Pages
          1. Basic multicolumn layout
          2. Straddle heads
        2. Side Heads
        3. Better Forms Layout
          1. Basic forms layout
          2. Building forms with nested tables
        4. Embedded Guides
      4. Transparent Images
        1. Colors, Maps, and Indexes
        2. Creating a Potentially Transparent Image
        3. Converting the Image
      5. Tricks with Windows and Frames
        1. Targeting Windows
        2. Overriding Others’ Targets
        3. Multiple Frames in One Link
    19. A. HTML Grammar
      1. Grammatical Conventions
        1. Typographic and Naming Conventions
        2. Punctuation Conventions
          1. Alternation
          2. Repetition
          3. Optional elements
        3. More Details
        4. Predefined Nonterminals
      2. The Grammar
    20. B. HTML/XHTML Tag Quick Reference
      1. Core Attributes
      2. HTML Quick Reference
    21. C. Cascading Style Sheet Properties Quick Reference
    22. D. The HTML 4.01 DTD
    23. E. The XHTML 1.0 DTD
    24. F. Character Entities
    25. G. Color Names and Values
      1. Color Values
      2. Color Names
      3. The Standard Color Map
    26. Index
    27. About the Authors
    28. Colophon

Product information

  • Title: HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition
  • Author(s): Bill Kennedy, Chuck Musciano
  • Release date: August 2002
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9780596003821