Animation Revisited: Moving Videos

Now we are going to revisit the bouncing balls demo from Chapter 5 to show you how you can achieve the same effect with images and videos. Because we covered this in detail in Example 5-5 (CH5EX5.html), we don’t need to examine all the code—just the changes that make the videos move.


Remember that videos are drawn in much the same way as images, so with very few changes, this application would work just as well with a static image.

While there are a few other changes, the most important is in the drawScreen() function when we draw the videos onto the canvas. Recall that in Chapter 5 we created an array named balls and a dynamic object to hold the properties of each ball that looked like this:

tempBall = {x:tempX,y:tempY,radius:tempRadius, speed:tempSpeed, angle:tempAngle,
    xunits:tempXunits, yunits:tempYunits}

For videos, we will create a similar array, named videos, but we will alter the dynamic object:

tempvideo = {x:tempX,y:tempY,width:180, height:120, speed:tempSpeed, 
    xunits:tempXunits, yunits:tempYunits}

The big difference here is that we no longer need a radius that represents the size of the ball; instead, we need the width and height so that we can render the video to our desired size in the drawScreen() function.

In Chapter 5, we used the canvas drawing command to draw balls on the screen like this:


To draw videos, ...

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