Chapter 19
Using jQuery to Handle AJAX
In This Chapter
Using the jQuery AJAX object to perform tasks with JavaScript
Performing server side programming for AJAX projects
Retrieving data from the server in a PHP/JavaScript scenario
Chapter 17 provides your first view of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). In that chapter, you obtain access to a simple file using straight JavaScript in the section on performing AJAX tasks using JavaScript. The section on making AJAX easier with jQuery in the same chapter shows how much easier it is to perform the task using jQuery. These simple examples demonstrate the usefulness of AJAX to the developer. This chapter takes the next step and introduces you to the full power of AJAX when coupled with the jQuery library.
Most AJAX scenarios don’t deal with files on the server. In most cases, the server is asked to perform some type of data search or data manipulation and then return the results for display on the page. Keeping requests small and data transfers short helps improve overall efficiency so that everyone gets better results. AJAX helps make the entire process faster and easier. However, AJAX represents only part of the process. The server ...
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