© Wallace Jackson 2016

Wallace Jackson, HTML5 Quick Markup Reference, 10.1007/978-1-4302-6536-8_22

22. HTML5 Ruby Annotations: Using the <ruby> Tag

Wallace Jackson

(1)Lompoc, California, USA

Now let’s discuss a brand-new tag in HTML5 that allows developers to provide ruby annotations, which allow you to provide small text helpers for your HTML5 users to help them understand your primary content. Oftentimes this is translation assistance for foreign languages or technical jargon.

In this chapter, you look at three powerful tags in HTML5 that allow you to implement ruby annotations content seamlessly for HTML5 content. These include the ruby annotation <ruby> tag, the ruby parenthesis <rp> tag, the ruby text <rt> tag, the ruby base <rb> tag and the ...

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