
HTML5 defines a new element called <video> for embedding video in your web pages. Embedding video used to be impossible without third-party plug-ins such as Apple QuickTime or Adobe Flash.

The <video> element is designed to be usable without any detection scripts. You can specify multiple video files, and browsers that support HTML5 video will choose one based on what video formats they support.[2]

Browsers that don’t support HTML5 video will ignore the <video> element completely, but you can use this to your advantage and tell them to play video through a third-party plug-in instead. Kroc Camen has designed a solution called Video for Everybody! that uses HTML5 video where available, but falls back to QuickTime or Flash in older browsers. This solution uses no JavaScript whatsoever, and it works in virtually every browser, including mobile browsers.

If you want to do more with video than plop it on your page and play it, you’ll need to use JavaScript. Checking for video support uses detection technique #2 (see Detection Techniques). If your browser supports HTML5 video, the DOM object it creates to represent a <video> element will have a canPlayType() method. If your browser doesn’t support HTML5 video, the DOM object it creates for a <video> element will have only the set of properties common to all elements. You can check for video support using this function:

function supports_video() {
  return !!document.createElement('video').canPlayType;

Instead of writing this function ...

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