

$= operator, 60, 68

*= operator, 60, 68

^= operator, 60

|= operator, 60, 66

~= operator, 60

<!––...––> tag, 330

= operator, 66


<a href> tag, 32

<a> tag, 10, 13, 15, 16, 324, 342

AAC sound codec, 220

<abbr> tag, 17, 324, 344

accept attribute, 359

accessible rich Internet applications (ARIA), 234

accesskey attribute, 328

Acid3 Test, 62

<acronym> tag, 16

:active pseudo-class, 95

add() method, 260261

addEventListener() function, 291, 293, 296297

<address> tag, 15, 324, 338

adjacent sibling combinator, 74

after() method, 154155

align attribute, 17, 40

alink attribute, 16

alt attribute, 359

alternate link type, 333

Android, 21

animate() method, 158

animations, 102105, 158, 214217

Apache/Python, 303

append() method, 308309

Apple ...

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