I Thought It Would Be Bigger

If you've ever been to Paris, you've probably been to the Louvre Museum. Pick a random “top ten things to do in Paris” list, and it'll be there somewhere, along with the Eiffel Tower. And I'm willing to bet that if you've been to the Louvre, you'll also have seen the most famous painting in the museum, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.

I've been to the Louvre more times than I can remember – full disclosure: I used to live in Paris – but I've only seen the Mona Lisa once. Like many other famous “must sees” like the Manneken Pis in Brussels or the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen, it's not something I ever need to see again. Not because it's a bad painting, but because, like the two statues, the reality is a bit disappointing, relative to what I'd expected. So many other things in the Louvre are far more impressive. Yet, if you ever told anyone you'd been to the Louvre and not seen the Mona Lisa, they'd look at you in a strange way, as if to suggest the entry fee had been a complete waste of money.

Which is why, if you haven't yet been, do the touristy thing and see it. And then have a look around you.1 You'll notice that hardly anyone is paying attention to anything else in the same gallery. Even though there are some stunning pieces of art on display there. Notice how I didn't even bother trying to dissuade you from seeing it. I just accepted that you would. Even though I've told you it's incredibly disappointing, you're ...

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