12Efficiency Limits of Single and Tandem Solar Cells

Hiroyuki Fujiwara1, Yoshitsune Kato1, Masayuki Kozawa1, Akira Terakawa2 and Taisuke Matsui3

1Gifu University, Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 1‐1 Yanagido, Gifu, 501‐1193, Japan

2Panasonic Corporation, Energy System Division, 15‐2 Nishikiminamimachi, Kaizuka, Osaka, 597‐0094, Japan

3Panasonic Corporation, Technology Innovation Division, 3‐1‐1 Yagumo‐naka‐machi, Moriguchi City, Osaka, 570‐8501, Japan

12.1 Introduction

The theoretical interpretation of solar‐cell performances is critical, as it reveals the efficiency‐limiting factors of experimental photovoltaic devices [1]. Based on the physics of solar cells, the maximum possible parameters for short‐circuit ...

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