First and foremost, this book is dedicated to my mom, my dad, and my brother Matt. Thank you for always supporting my dreams. Words could never express how much I love you and appreciate you.

Thank you to those who shared their stories in this book and to all my friends and colleagues who shared their ideas for the book (including Allie Miller, Asha Tyson, Bithiah LaFontant, Brian Elderbroom, Brian Lee, Calvin Scott, Chrissy Mack, Darrell Bennett, Greg Turner, Jay Kreider, Jeremy Zelman, Jon Foster, Kim Foley, Laura Neesen, Marshall Brown, Matt Dershewitz, Nick Macri, Nishant Tulsian, Paayal Malhotra, Pai Dayanzadeh, Rachna Sethi, Ron Culberson, Stu Miller, and Wolf Rinke).

Thank you to Leslie Kendrick, Howe Burch, and David Cope ...

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